n o w p l a y i n g - s c r i p t b i n - f a n c l u b - s t u d i o

make love to the camera

November 13, 2001 - 12:22 pm

I Look Fabulous!

I have to say, kudos to Mr. Disco for his braveness and honesty. I, on the other hand, feel slightly uncomfortable about the fact that the kleenex box currently on my bedside table is pink.

I also experienced some self-inflicted weirdness yesterday at the writer's table. Over and over again, about eight times in the course of fifteen minutes, I found myself saying (about a character in the show) "No, she has to say something that shows she thinks she looks fabulous."

I proved to myself that I was indeed a true idiot when I actually had the thought 'Hmm, I better stop saying 'fabulous' so much.'

In my own defense, however, I will readily admit to anyone that I really don't care for sports. This is really a big thing for a guy to admit. Most guys I know do not understand this position in the slightest. When this comes up in conversation, and I state my position on sports to some guy who has just attempted to initiate a sports-related conversation with me, they usually react by taking a step back, then quickly trying to assess what the hell is wrong with me.

Sports Boy: Um...did you have some kind of bad sports experience when you were a kid?

Me: Nope.

Sports Boy: Did your dad make you play when you didn't really want to play?

Me: Uh-uh.

Sports Boy: Were you good at sports?

Me: Yep.

Sports Boy: Huh...well...that's weird.

The simple facts are, I like to play sports occasionally, but I don't really care to follow them or watch them on TV. I see this as no big deal. I don't really care for botany, either.

All I know is, every girlfriend I've ever had has appreciated the fact that football takes up 0% of my weekend. I say, when you prefer sports to potential lovin', that's where the real problem begins.

Can I get an Amen?

As for the dialogue in the show that I mentioned earlier: The scene takes place at a party. Eryn approaches her friend Johnny, who has been dissing her lately to hang out with another girl. They get to talking, and Johnny tells Eryn "You look good."

And Eryn's reply? The one we labored over for fifteen minutes, trying to come up with the perfect way for her to say that she thinks she looks, and is, fabulous?

"I look fabulous."

Yep. This TV writin' ain't so hard.

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