n o w p l a y i n g - s c r i p t b i n - f a n c l u b - s t u d i o

make love to the camera

April 29, 2003 - 8:11 am

The Bill Newsletter Is Distributed Once Every Two Weeks

Oh, you people. You poor, poor people. I pity you.

Last night's show was amazing. It went off without a hitch, and ended up steadily improving throughout. You missed some good stuff, but fret not, for tomorrow is...

The 2nd Annual Diaryland Show and Tell Picture Day!!!

...and there may just be a picture or two.

I strongly suspect that I will be the sole particpant of T2ADSATPD.

Also, I'll be performing again next Monday night, so if those pictures make you all you cool kids think that seeing such a show is your "scene," or your "groove," or perhaps even your "bag," you'll have yet another chance.

At this point in the entry, I would like to take Life itself aside for a semi-private conversation.

ME: Hey, Life. Seems to me that, like, when an important event occurs in my personal life, you always seem to take a few weeks before kind of clueing me in to what you're really trying to teach me. What's wrong with you? Are you some kind of sick freak that gets off on watching me flail around while I try to figure things out?

LIFE: What? No, man, I do that to everybody. These things take time. Usually longer.

ME: Yeah, well, I'd be OK with it if the lessons didn't always seem so obvious when they finally do occur to me.

LIFE: Bill, you're only human. Thing is, the lessons are always obvious, but people have a tendency to get ideas about the way things should be and then it gets hard to look at it any other way. Just be glad you're not too stubborn to change.

ME: Gotcha. We better stop this, because people are starting to get bored and confused.

LIFE: We never talk about my problems.

The survey continues along. Most people think that the printing press is the greatest invention of all time. That's an excellent answer, but, for my money, the harnessing of electricity is the most useful thing we ever did.

I am very concerned about the person who, when asked what the most selfless thing they ever did was, talked about wanting to push another person off a cliff.

I think they read that wrong.

Last Time On FadeIn - Next Week's Show

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