n o w p l a y i n g - s c r i p t b i n - f a n c l u b - s t u d i o

make love to the camera

September 11, 2001 - 8:00 am

Asking Brides For Water

So, yesterday, I says to myself, I says: "I have so much to say today. Will it not be what fun is all about if I save it for a giganto entry of good times tomorrow? Besides, I have many errands to run, and I've alreay putzed away a good deal of the morning as it is. Yes, I will write it all out tomorrow."

Naturally, none of those memories of what I was going to write remain in my head. I suspect that over the next couple of entries they will bubble to the surface. I'll mine them like an undersea fissure of amusing paragraphs.

Oh, I remember now that i wanted to take the time to say 'hello' to one of Sally's friends, a special gal named Elise. She is the one who was most recently betrothed in Cleveland. Sally told her about FadeIn because of my previously stated incorrect belief that the 'salad dance' was a Jewish tradition, when, in fact, it is simply a random bit of strangeness that this particular reception hall practices. My apologies to Jews everywhere, and to the wacky neighbor of Christianity that is the Jewish faith.

And now, since the secret of FadeIn is out amongst the real life friends of Sally, I've been laboriously sifting through older enties and deleting all references to them as 'jerks,' 'punks,' 'slimeballs,' 'salad-dancing freaks,' and 'evil.' So, a friendly FadeIn hello to all! (This diary is now 60% shorter)

The cool thing about Elise is that, despite the fact that she was wearing a wedding dress, she still got me a glass of water when I jokingly asked her for one. See, at the wedding, she was making the rounds to all of the tables, and when she came over to our table, I thought it would be funny to ask a woman in a wedding dress, this woman for who all the surrounding hullaballoo was happening, if she would get me a glass of water and make it quick. I love juxtaposition, and I thought my request would be met with stares of disbelief and refused. Without skipping a beat, Elise goes to the bartender and returns with a glass of water for me (please note that doing such a thing is a great way to embarass a jerk who might be prone to ask brides to go get stuff for them). She was very good natured about it, and it showcased her Jackie O style, class, and humility. Also, a nice little picture came out of it: My outstretched hand, holding a dollar, while a girl in a wedding dress smiles cheesily as she extends a glass of water.

Holy bloody hell, a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center. Wow. This is big. It just kind of killed my mood for this. Ugh.

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