n o w p l a y i n g - s c r i p t b i n - f a n c l u b - s t u d i o

make love to the camera

May 30, 2001 - 1:38 pm

Diaryland High: Sophmore Year

Strangely enough, the last entry about Diaryland as a highschool brought out some highschool-esque emotions in some people. I had people mad at me for not being called hot (even if I think they are, indeed, hot) and some people were sad at not being mentioned at all. Man, I knew that would happen. Writing that entry yesterday was mental torture, because I hate mentioning groups of people and then leaving people out. I even felt bad updating my profile the last time I did it. They think I left them out on purpose, when I was really choosing people somewhat arbitrarily. Really. I wasn't dividing you guys into 'kool kidz' and 'nerdz.'

Another way in that Diaryland is kind of like highschool is that the people who I 'associate' with online are kind of in the same group. They associate with one another. There's a lot of cross-referencing, in other words. The people I talk to end up talking to the other people I talk to, or are linked to them through other people. Even though everyone has their own pals, it's all kind of in the family. Or in this one clique. Kind of like an island of friends and associates in the middle of Diaryland. I'm sure there are other little islands of friends out there. Just like highschool.

I really do think Kate is hot, I always have, and it saddens my heart to know that I will never be enough of a Puerto Rican biker street-tough to win her love.

Even though I've never met fellow Chicagoan Midge, I know that she would be a pal and is probably hot. I have a rule, and it states 'hot improv chicks are hot.' Ladies: Smart + funny = You are hot, in my eyes.

As for you, yes, I saw your nipple(s). I think I enjoy looking at nipples in general.

Nothing particularly astounding has happened today. The semester ended. One more to go. I think I now have the ability to get in touch with Chicago's MTV offices, which I will attempt (for real) in order to pitch the Diaryland TV idea to them. We will all be selling out quite nicely soon, if all goes according to plan. Someone better start a web-ring for 'Pre-TV Diarylanders' so we can show all the new people how cool we are (and how lame they are...we were here before it was cool, etc.).

I thought that I might make today the first annual FadeIn Celebrity Dis Day, a day for dissing celebrities. I thought up one for Arnold Schwarzenegger and then got lazy. Basically, I was just wondering if he was a Republican even back in the day when he was a non-English speaking Austrian immigrant making porn flicks in dirty New York apartments. Or is the whole right wing thing just something recent?

Not exactly a catchy dis. That's why I gave it up.

Last Time On FadeIn - Next Week's Show

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