n o w p l a y i n g - s c r i p t b i n - f a n c l u b - s t u d i o

make love to the camera

November 10, 2001 - 3:35 pm

Please Let Me Die

Regular readers, please come right in.

Quoted referrals, welcome. Please line up behind the velvet rope. Capacity is unlimited, but we are running low on the appetizers.

Ah, Francine, master of the Quoted. She is a beautiful and funny woman.

There is a reason she wrote that last paragraph in that Quoted entry that may have brought you here. If you read that page regularly, you know that she can often go weeks without updating. She dispenses the love only when she is moved to do so, which is all fine and good and her perogative, etcetera.

While we're on the subject of people being pimped through quotes, I should mention that 12%Beer is a cool little site that does just that. It's run by the ghost hunting Canadian CuppaJoe. It's like Quoted, but different.

Anyway, I've experienced the heady thrills of being quoted a few times. If any of you have ever been priveleged enough to make an appearance on that diaryland institution, you know it can be a wealth of hits and guestbook signings and general acclaim that makes all of us diarists so happy. It's always especially good when you get mentioned and then she chooses not to update, leaving your name up for weeks and weeks and weeks.

Not that I would know, though.

And that's where that all came from. I pointed out to Francine that she always updates Quoted a day or two after mentioning me, sending any mention of FadeIn back into the archives, thus reducing me again to diaryland obscurity. She is now soundly busting my chops. Let's see how soon she updates this time.

And now, back to your regularly sheduled broadcast.

I would like to go on record as stating that liquor is stupid. Especially twelve hours after consuming it. Especially twelve hours after consuming lots of it.

There was a party at my pal Nick's apartment last night. This party is the reason I am sitting very quietly in a room with no lights. This party is the reason I can tell you that steak burritos at 3am are an extremely ill-considered idea. Trust me on that one, o reader.

I am going to cut this short because typing is not agreeing with me at the moment. Other things that are not agreeing with me seem to be opening my eyes, drinking water, and breathing. Oh, the glamour and excitement. This reminds me why I never do this anymore.

If you saw three people screaming on the corner of Division and Ashland last night, then that would be us, and we would be sorry.

Last Time On FadeIn - Next Week's Show

i am one bad updater:

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