n o w p l a y i n g - s c r i p t b i n - f a n c l u b - s t u d i o

make love to the camera

October 29, 2003 - 10:38 am

Hungrily, She Returns

I completely forgot to mention that I make a terribly unattractive woman.

I weep for my future daughters.

JonnyBoy (currently in a plane above the �flyover states� on his way to Manhattan) and I had our pal Natalie come over the other night. She had a Snow White costume with her, which may or may not have had something to do with Halloween.

As a sidenote, she�ll be wearing this costume with seven plush dwarf dolls attached to it, which is somewhere between ridiculous and atrocious. So bad it�s good? I can�t decide.

Anyway, she brought a black wig with her. Naturally, one must try on wigs when they come into one�s presence. It had bangs, and was straight, coming down to just above the shoulders or so. Uma from Pulp Fiction, but longer. When I put it on, I was instantly transformed into Sheila from the secretarial pool, complete with serious chocolate addiction and Beanie Baby fetish. When Jonny put it on, he looked like he had just crashed his pickup truck on the way home from some rural Indiana dive bar and was really upset about almost having ruined his Megadeth shirt.

Despite this fantastic job, I�ve got some serious cash issues. A part time weekend retail gig may be in the works. It means that I won�t know what a day off looks like until Christmas, and then again not for a long time after that, but I�m fairly certain that all I�d be doing is standing around smoking and coming up with reasons not to do the dishes anyway.

I just now had a little meeting with my supervisor in which he gave me the go ahead to start researching a story for the show that I pitched in a previous meeting. Excellent.

So this is that whole �I love my job� feeling I�d always heard about it.

One of the PA�s just told me she�d stash away some Corn Pops for me.

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