n o w p l a y i n g - s c r i p t b i n - f a n c l u b - s t u d i o

make love to the camera

August 2, 2001 - 7:47 am

Chocolate Covered Corpse

Man, mention 'porn bloopers' off-handedly once in an entry, and you are forever doomed to perverted google hits. Strangely, the same goes for 'pigeon pics.'

It is grey (not gray), balmy and thunderstorming here in Chicago at this very moment. When I was a little kid, my grandma always used to tell me that thunder was angels bowling in heaven. I remember taking that literally, and looking up at the sky and imagining angels going at it on the opposite side of the cloud cover. God was looking on happily, not participating, and of course it wasn't his responsibility to keep score. He just liked to watch.

If there is a finer way to spend the morning than laying under blankets with your girlfriend in a chilly apartment, sipping coffee and eating chocolates, scientists have not yet invented it. I am a sucker for pleasantness.

In other news, Jewel food stores has introduced a sale on Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby ice cream once again. Apparently, the Jewel corporation will not rest until my bloated, bloody corpse is discovered with pretzels bulging from my every orifice.

Well, the only things on the agenda for today are a little bit of writing, and a phone call. The phone call is to my man at 'What About Joan.' They are now back in production, and, if he's working this season, the Cusack saga may begin again very soon.

I am so bored right now, that this is extremely welcome. Good Lord. Mmmmm.....Kraft Services.....

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